Sunday, September 4, 2011
Strong, neon colors from the 80s are history. Light and natural tones like pink, beige, chorale and gold are true summer hit.
Heavy dark eyeliner and smokey eyes are out of the question. If you want to look more attractive that ever during this summer, use the suggested make-up to have warm and sunny color of complexion.
Here are some ideas that can help you in creating a trendy summer style.
Complexion – natural make-up
Fresh and shiny face – that is what you need this summer. Healthy looking skin is always in fashion. To have impeccable skin look don’t forget to clean it and protect it every day from harmful sun rays. Summer look is consisted of natural and light, almost invisible, powders that give a healthy and shiny look to your skin. There is also and unavoidable shimmer. Apply it on your cheeks and sunned skin to have a special glamorous look. Summer looks are also pink-colored cheeks, which are especially noticeable on natural and fresh skin color.
Eyes – very long eyelashes
Whether you are using artificial eyelashes or mascara that is extending your natural ones – dark, long, luxurious eyelashes are trendy every summer. However, it is important to avoid exaggerations when it comes to this part of your look.
When it comes to shades, choose lighter colors like chorale, pale purple, gold or beige, in combination with shimmer. In order to create a lighter smokey eyes version, apply brown or purple eyeliner on the edge of eyelashes.
Lips – all pink tones
From chorale tone to light pink and purple – with these colors on your lips you can’t make a mistake. To avoid spilling of the lipstick over the line of your lips, use beige penciler and mark the natural line of your lips.
Sunday, September 4, 2011 by Saill · 0
If your man is not a perfect lover, make him with a little bit of charm and a few tricks.
You have a man that suits your taste but, when it comes to your sexual life, you would like to change a few things? Your problem is over – with the help of charm and cunning tricks you can transform him into an excellent lover according to your taste.
This is not something new. It is caused by chemical process in his body that makes him sleepy. But, if you sense that he is not in a mood or, after sex, he wants to leave, then there might exist a more serious problem that cannot be resolved by itself. Try to talk wit him about it.
Although size matters, unfortunately, it is not sufficient. Technique in bed is a very important skill that needs a lot of practice, but if he thinks otherwise, then you have to convince him in the opposite. Try with direct but gentle approach, and, if he gets offended, don’t worry, he is a man, and men do not easily forget things like that but rather think about it a lot.
Sex can sometimes become a mechanical routine, and that is not good at all. If you are combining the same positions according to some scheme of his, then it is time for a women’s lesson. It would be best to turn words into deeds, and, with the help of his hand, mark your favorite spots on your body. The same goes for sex positions. Take initiative and make him familiar with your desires.
Although this is a great idea that can lead to climax in sex, its often repetition can decrease the effect. There is also and another thing. Such fetish can mean that, during sex, he wants to see someone else instead of you, and that can be even insulting. If you want to play with him, demand the same of him. By him tiger-like or rubber thongs and make him wear them. He may then realize that this is not always the best solution for both of you.
There are two types of men - Those who are lousy during foreplay and those who haven’t even tried it. For the first type you’ll need tact and charm. You take the lead and show him how it is done. The second type is a little bit selfish, and it is time for you to tell him that. If he wants for both of you to participate in the game, set him an ultimatum, and when he tries your charms, he will not be able to resist them.
If your partner is always practicing the same positions or he is unimaginative, or maybe he is afraid that if he tries something new it will be a failure – then it is time for you to act and provide him with support. But before you start anything, pump up his ego a little bit and praise his sexual capabilities. Then try to suggest him some small changes, which can be, for example, sexual position or the scene of sex. Kitchen or bathtub is great for starters.
Exaggeration, in general, is never good, and the same counts for sex. Sometimes men, because of too many adult movies, think that rough game is what every woman wants. Don’t ever do something that you don’t want to do. Explain him what sensitive sex and gentle love-making means to you. Sometimes even a short conversation is sufficient.
1. He falls asleep immediately after sex
This is not something new. It is caused by chemical process in his body that makes him sleepy. But, if you sense that he is not in a mood or, after sex, he wants to leave, then there might exist a more serious problem that cannot be resolved by itself. Try to talk wit him about it.
2. He is very “gifted”, but…
Although size matters, unfortunately, it is not sufficient. Technique in bed is a very important skill that needs a lot of practice, but if he thinks otherwise, then you have to convince him in the opposite. Try with direct but gentle approach, and, if he gets offended, don’t worry, he is a man, and men do not easily forget things like that but rather think about it a lot.
3. He is rushing like a bull
Sex can sometimes become a mechanical routine, and that is not good at all. If you are combining the same positions according to some scheme of his, then it is time for a women’s lesson. It would be best to turn words into deeds, and, with the help of his hand, mark your favorite spots on your body. The same goes for sex positions. Take initiative and make him familiar with your desires.
4. He wants you to wear sexy underwear and bra
Although this is a great idea that can lead to climax in sex, its often repetition can decrease the effect. There is also and another thing. Such fetish can mean that, during sex, he wants to see someone else instead of you, and that can be even insulting. If you want to play with him, demand the same of him. By him tiger-like or rubber thongs and make him wear them. He may then realize that this is not always the best solution for both of you.
5. Don’t trust the foreplay
There are two types of men - Those who are lousy during foreplay and those who haven’t even tried it. For the first type you’ll need tact and charm. You take the lead and show him how it is done. The second type is a little bit selfish, and it is time for you to tell him that. If he wants for both of you to participate in the game, set him an ultimatum, and when he tries your charms, he will not be able to resist them.
6. Routine positions
If your partner is always practicing the same positions or he is unimaginative, or maybe he is afraid that if he tries something new it will be a failure – then it is time for you to act and provide him with support. But before you start anything, pump up his ego a little bit and praise his sexual capabilities. Then try to suggest him some small changes, which can be, for example, sexual position or the scene of sex. Kitchen or bathtub is great for starters.
7. Exaggeration
Exaggeration, in general, is never good, and the same counts for sex. Sometimes men, because of too many adult movies, think that rough game is what every woman wants. Don’t ever do something that you don’t want to do. Explain him what sensitive sex and gentle love-making means to you. Sometimes even a short conversation is sufficient.
by Saill · 0
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Summer whether is exhausting the skin. It is also making it harder to clean it and perform the daily care. Here are several tips that can help you keep the freshness and the shine of your skin.
1. Water is very important. To ensure the necessary body hydration, you must drink water during the entire day. Experts are recommending at least 1,5 liters of water per day, but, if the temperatures are really high, you should drink even more water.
2. In addition to the water you are drinking, you must also use water several times per day to wash your face. You are getting two things with this – instant refreshment and cleaning. Always use appropriate product when you are washing your face, and when it comes to wipes for face washing, use them only when you’re on the road or at work. For a feeling of freshness, you can spray a little bit of rose water on your face.
3. With washing you are cleaning your face, but to remove the layer of dead cells on it, you’ll need peeling. For an extra cooling you can use cucumber juice or ice cubes. By applying the mentioned juice on your face, you will close the pores, and that is very important after peeling. To close the pores you can also use a face mask.
4. Regularly apply cream on your face to prevent its drainage. The best choice for this, during summer months, is moisturizing cream, which is moistening the skin but doesn’t leave greasy traces.
5. As your face, the hands also need regular care – peeling and moistening. During the day we are washing our hands many times, and that increases the risk of drainage. That is why we need to apply cream several times per day, as many times as necessary. Every few days you should also apply on them rose water in combination with glycerin and lemon juice – this mixture preserves and restores the healthy skin.
6. You can remove the rough skin on your feet with stone nail file. It is recommended that, when you do this, you soak your legs in warm and then in cold water, to stimulate blood circulation. Keep your legs for two minutes in warm water, and then repeat the same in cold water. Perform this process several times.
7. However, the most important product you need during summer months is sunscreen. Choose SP factor that matches your type of skin and put it on every time you are leaving your house.
1. Water is very important. To ensure the necessary body hydration, you must drink water during the entire day. Experts are recommending at least 1,5 liters of water per day, but, if the temperatures are really high, you should drink even more water.
2. In addition to the water you are drinking, you must also use water several times per day to wash your face. You are getting two things with this – instant refreshment and cleaning. Always use appropriate product when you are washing your face, and when it comes to wipes for face washing, use them only when you’re on the road or at work. For a feeling of freshness, you can spray a little bit of rose water on your face.
3. With washing you are cleaning your face, but to remove the layer of dead cells on it, you’ll need peeling. For an extra cooling you can use cucumber juice or ice cubes. By applying the mentioned juice on your face, you will close the pores, and that is very important after peeling. To close the pores you can also use a face mask.
4. Regularly apply cream on your face to prevent its drainage. The best choice for this, during summer months, is moisturizing cream, which is moistening the skin but doesn’t leave greasy traces.
5. As your face, the hands also need regular care – peeling and moistening. During the day we are washing our hands many times, and that increases the risk of drainage. That is why we need to apply cream several times per day, as many times as necessary. Every few days you should also apply on them rose water in combination with glycerin and lemon juice – this mixture preserves and restores the healthy skin.
6. You can remove the rough skin on your feet with stone nail file. It is recommended that, when you do this, you soak your legs in warm and then in cold water, to stimulate blood circulation. Keep your legs for two minutes in warm water, and then repeat the same in cold water. Perform this process several times.
7. However, the most important product you need during summer months is sunscreen. Choose SP factor that matches your type of skin and put it on every time you are leaving your house.
Sunday, August 14, 2011 by Saill · 0
Monday, August 8, 2011
Awakening of passion is often associated with the warmest season of the year. There are many factors that are affecting our libido, and making it rise like the temperature.
Sex can be good in any time of the year but summer offers many new advantages and possibilities. Find out if your passion is rising with the temperature and why it would be good to go on a trip with your partner.
After so many years spent in school, we are taught to seek love after June. We are more relaxed in that period, more spontaneous and more ready for different kinds of surprises. And spontaneity is definitely a policy that we should follow. When you are keeping your partner (or he is keeping you) in expectation, the level of dopamine is raising. Dopamine is a hormone associated with excitement, and its increase is also increasing the attraction between partners.
Most of us have experienced extremely low temperatures in the past few months, and now we are more that ready for warm season. Exposure to sun is stimulating secretion of dopamine and serotonin, which are enhancing our libido. Since the days are now longer and longer the positive effect of the sun will be more pronounced. Why don’t you use those 15 hours of sun light and enjoy with your partner the best way you can.
Bathing and plash in a warm water, even for a half an hour, makes people more open and more ready for new interesting situations. The very fact that you are on the open, changes your perspective on different kind of things. The sun reduces your level of melatonin, and thus makes you more awake, more open for new ideas and more ready to explore new territories. This creative wave can be used even in the bedroom. Spend some time under the sun and you’ll be ready to release the spark of passion. Try sex without kisses or simply skip the foreplay – don’t be afraid to try new things.
Woman can subconsciously sense if a man has an interest in her, even if she is miles away from him. This is a conclusion of several modern researches. Man that is interested in certain women is releasing chemicals thorough his sebaceous glands. Woman can decode those chemicals in an instant if they are sexual interest. Women’s sense of smell is even more intensified during summer, and that is because of additional humidity in the air. That is why women, during summer, are in best position to determine whether someone wants to be just a friend or something more.
Warm weather implies that you don’t need much effort to look attractive. High temperatures have probably made you wear short and translucent clothes. But, in any case, don’t exaggerate with to much exposure. We all love to discover new things, but uncovering the whole body can sometimes result in lack of motivation.
With warm and beautiful weather, you don’t have to relay just on the comfort and warmth of your bed. Advantages of sex in the open are numerous and they imply the use of all senses. Smell the aroma of flowers, soft breeze on your skin or soft ground underneath your body. These new stimulants can make sex a whole new spiritual and body experience.
Sex can be good in any time of the year but summer offers many new advantages and possibilities. Find out if your passion is rising with the temperature and why it would be good to go on a trip with your partner.
It is the best time for spontaneity
After so many years spent in school, we are taught to seek love after June. We are more relaxed in that period, more spontaneous and more ready for different kinds of surprises. And spontaneity is definitely a policy that we should follow. When you are keeping your partner (or he is keeping you) in expectation, the level of dopamine is raising. Dopamine is a hormone associated with excitement, and its increase is also increasing the attraction between partners.
Higher temperature is increasing desire
Spontaneity, spontaneity, spontaneity
Bathing and plash in a warm water, even for a half an hour, makes people more open and more ready for new interesting situations. The very fact that you are on the open, changes your perspective on different kind of things. The sun reduces your level of melatonin, and thus makes you more awake, more open for new ideas and more ready to explore new territories. This creative wave can be used even in the bedroom. Spend some time under the sun and you’ll be ready to release the spark of passion. Try sex without kisses or simply skip the foreplay – don’t be afraid to try new things.
Trust your instincts
Woman can subconsciously sense if a man has an interest in her, even if she is miles away from him. This is a conclusion of several modern researches. Man that is interested in certain women is releasing chemicals thorough his sebaceous glands. Woman can decode those chemicals in an instant if they are sexual interest. Women’s sense of smell is even more intensified during summer, and that is because of additional humidity in the air. That is why women, during summer, are in best position to determine whether someone wants to be just a friend or something more.
Attractive look
Warm weather implies that you don’t need much effort to look attractive. High temperatures have probably made you wear short and translucent clothes. But, in any case, don’t exaggerate with to much exposure. We all love to discover new things, but uncovering the whole body can sometimes result in lack of motivation.
Sex is more intensive
With warm and beautiful weather, you don’t have to relay just on the comfort and warmth of your bed. Advantages of sex in the open are numerous and they imply the use of all senses. Smell the aroma of flowers, soft breeze on your skin or soft ground underneath your body. These new stimulants can make sex a whole new spiritual and body experience.
Monday, August 8, 2011 by Saill · 0
Summer heats are forcing you not only to discard warm clothes, but also and heavy make-up so that your skin can finally breathe and rest after long cold periods.
Summer, sun, sweating, city heat…all of this should imply and a lot lesser make-up on your face. It is time for your face to rest after long wintery “primping”. You should use make-up as little as possible, and try only to indicate that you are wearing it.
Every girl wants to look like she is wearing make-up, but, in reality, most of them doesn’t like to wear make-up on their faces, especially when a certain look requires putting make-up on in several phases. In such cases, a lot of time and effort is necessary to apply multiple layers of make-up, and that is why many girls are wondering if it is worth the trouble to take of the make-up before sleep when, in the morning, they will have to repeat the whole process.
In any case, do not leave make-up on your face when you go to sleep. No matter how tired, will-less or lazy you might be, spare 5 minutes of your time and get rid of the mask that is suffocating your pores and making your skin look old and tired.
But, if you follow the next few steps, you might be able to achieve natural look with just a little bit of make-up, and still look wonderful.
You will definitely need tinted moisturizer with sun protection factor 15 in order to give shine to your face without having the feeling of powder on it. If you have very dry skin, you should first apply the moisturizing cream, and then the tinted one.
In the process of applying the cream, make sure that you leave no traces of it. Use just a little of it, apply it with rubber gloves and thoroughly smear it.
Take a large brush, apply a little bit of make-up powder on it, and then evenly apply that powder on you face.
Wipe the brush with a handkerchief, and then, once more, use it on your face. In this way, you will remove the unnecessary traces of powder that might have remained in the process of application.
Curl your eyelashes. Keep the eyelash curler on your eyelashes for 10-15 seconds and then apply translucent gel-mascara for eyelashes, which will affix them and help to grow faster. If you somehow succeed to make them longer, you will not need mascara ever again.
And, in the end, apply balsam or translucent gloss on your lips. You should first apply it on the tip of your finger, and then spread it on your lips. But, don’t exaggerate…you want only to give them a little bit of shine.
Summer, sun, sweating, city heat…all of this should imply and a lot lesser make-up on your face. It is time for your face to rest after long wintery “primping”. You should use make-up as little as possible, and try only to indicate that you are wearing it.
Every girl wants to look like she is wearing make-up, but, in reality, most of them doesn’t like to wear make-up on their faces, especially when a certain look requires putting make-up on in several phases. In such cases, a lot of time and effort is necessary to apply multiple layers of make-up, and that is why many girls are wondering if it is worth the trouble to take of the make-up before sleep when, in the morning, they will have to repeat the whole process.
In any case, do not leave make-up on your face when you go to sleep. No matter how tired, will-less or lazy you might be, spare 5 minutes of your time and get rid of the mask that is suffocating your pores and making your skin look old and tired.
But, if you follow the next few steps, you might be able to achieve natural look with just a little bit of make-up, and still look wonderful.
Step one
You will definitely need tinted moisturizer with sun protection factor 15 in order to give shine to your face without having the feeling of powder on it. If you have very dry skin, you should first apply the moisturizing cream, and then the tinted one.
Step two
In the process of applying the cream, make sure that you leave no traces of it. Use just a little of it, apply it with rubber gloves and thoroughly smear it.
Step three
Take a large brush, apply a little bit of make-up powder on it, and then evenly apply that powder on you face.
Step four
Wipe the brush with a handkerchief, and then, once more, use it on your face. In this way, you will remove the unnecessary traces of powder that might have remained in the process of application.
Step five
Curl your eyelashes. Keep the eyelash curler on your eyelashes for 10-15 seconds and then apply translucent gel-mascara for eyelashes, which will affix them and help to grow faster. If you somehow succeed to make them longer, you will not need mascara ever again.
Step six
And, in the end, apply balsam or translucent gloss on your lips. You should first apply it on the tip of your finger, and then spread it on your lips. But, don’t exaggerate…you want only to give them a little bit of shine.
by Saill · 0
Monday, July 25, 2011
From times beyond memory, women looked for means to eliminate unwanted body hair - from Egyptian depilation to wax, epilator and little creams. Today we have modern lasers and electrolyses. Here are a few methods that are most commonly used today.
Unwanted body hair can sometimes be a serious problem. They could make you feel uncomfortable and undesirable – especially during summer. In that case, it is best to remove them or, at least, hide from other people's sight. To achieve that, here are several methods you can try.
Hair removal is one of the most demanded treatments in beauty salons. When you go shopping you can see dozens of different products that are serving that purpose, or, at least, provide temporary satisfaction. Luckily, there are several methods for hair removal and these are the most common ones and the most efficient ones.
1. Epilators are electrical devices that are removing unwanted body hair. These devices are designed to remove several little hairs from their root at once, and that slows their further growth. This method is mainly designed for home use. Epilators are used on legs and hands, and the results are lasting for several weeks.
2. Plucking is another method of hair removal, and this process, which implies plucking of individual little hairs mostly on the face area, is done with tweezers. The results are lasting for about three weeks. Unfortunately, this method is very painful.
3. Waxing is the most spread method of body hair removal. It’s one of the oldest and most efficient treatments. Its advantage over the others is wax, which is cheap. It can be performed on any part of the body and it gives long-lasting results. Besides removing the hairs from their root, waxing also removes and a dead layer of the skin, which makes your skin look smooth and shiny. Regular use of this treatment damages the root of body hairs, and because of that, they are growing slower, and sometimes they even stop growing at all.
4. Egyptian or Persian depilation is being done with paste made of sugar, water and lemon juice. Its procedure is identical to waxing. It’s a cheaper solution and amazingly effective. It dates from 1900 B.C. when the body free of body hairs was an imperative of beauty, youth and innocence in the old Egypt.
5. There are also gels, foams and creams for depilation that are chemically removing body hair. The procedure is simple and it can be done just a few minutes after shower. You apply the product on the desired area, wait a few minutes, and then you wash it out from your skin or remove it with spatula. This is one of relatively expensive but not sufficiently efficient methods. It gives you only temporary results – 2-5 days.
6. Electrolyses or depilation with electricity is the only truly permanent method of body hair removal. In every follicle of a hair a small needle is put in. This needle is destroying the root of a hair with electricity. After that, every hair is being individually removed with tweezers.
7. Laser body hair removal is a method that is becoming very popular, mostly because it is painless and has long-lasting results. This depilation is performed with a laser that is producing a beam of light. The laser’s beam is passing through the skin and reaching the hair’s follicle. The follicle is absorbing the light and destroys itself.
8. A lot of women are preferring the traditional way of depilation, shaving with a razor, which is cheap, easy and quick. The negative side of this procedure is short term result – new hairs are growing after 2-3 days, and every time they are more stronger than before.
9. However, if you want to camouflage the fact that you are hairy on some areas where you don’t want body hairs, you can always whiten them with special creams. Such creams are applied only on beginning moustaches and face hairs. Your body hair will loose its pigmentation and become more transparent, but that will not remove them and your skin will not be smoother and more pleasant to touch.
Monday, July 25, 2011 by Saill · 0
Monday, April 11, 2011
Pink Kisses is an Internet service which guarantees to women that they will, after a month, maximum two, get out of crisis after breakup and forget their ex.
Imagine this: your relationship ended, its over, but the very next day you find a bouquet of flowers in front of your door along with a message filled with flattering words.
The described situation is something that Pink Kisses does. That is their therapy for broken heart. Pink Kisses is a kind of emotional wellness center established by two girls who were left by their boyfriends.
Today, they are smiling managers, but a few years ago, they were drowning in tears because of disappointments in love. In short, because of unfortunate experiences, these girls decided to set up a web page Pink Kisses, a kind of social service dedicated to girls and women, which promises them that within one month (in severe cases two months) they will pull their clients from emotional crisis with the help of flowers, chocolates, motivational phrases, flattery and life coaches.
So, Ellie and Amy are dealing with breakups, because, as the say, it is better to pay someone to bring you a bouquet of flowers than to wait on your ex to send it. Pink Kisses is offering “all sorts of fabulous pick-me-ups,” in the site's own words. In subscription packages, which cost from 14 to 272 dollars, Pink Kisses offers almost every form of treatment for "heartbreak".
The least expensive is "The Rebound" - during one month you'll receive an e-mail with tips on how to move on after a breakup, you’ll get phrases and quotations from classical texts, a computer application called "Kiss Him Goodbye", which allows you to upload images of your ex to the Internet and see them burn, and finally, poster with motivational message.
The best treatment is "The Diva", which includes all of the above plus two life coaching sessions, shipment of flowers to your home address and a box of "Better than sex" truffles. But that's not all - girls can also choose a treatment "Diva for a day" which consists of professional photo session that is done in the house of the client by Pink Kisses team. The goal of this photo session is to create a new look that would symbolically and practically mark a new beginning.
Unfortunately, services that are paid are currently available only in the U.S. But Pink Kisses also sends virtual gifts, and on their blog you can find advices and classical texts with love themes. All of this is designed to help women after breakup.
“We want to change women’s lives by helping them recognize their own strength and accept their independence as part of a big, awesome adventure”.
Pink Kisses is presented as a kind of virtual resource center for emotional rehabilitation in which, with a lot of laughter and irony, advices and solutions are offered that can help women to turn a new page. The essence of it is probably best described in their slogan: “…because moving on is the best revenge”.

The described situation is something that Pink Kisses does. That is their therapy for broken heart. Pink Kisses is a kind of emotional wellness center established by two girls who were left by their boyfriends.
Today, they are smiling managers, but a few years ago, they were drowning in tears because of disappointments in love. In short, because of unfortunate experiences, these girls decided to set up a web page Pink Kisses, a kind of social service dedicated to girls and women, which promises them that within one month (in severe cases two months) they will pull their clients from emotional crisis with the help of flowers, chocolates, motivational phrases, flattery and life coaches.
Various treatments
So, Ellie and Amy are dealing with breakups, because, as the say, it is better to pay someone to bring you a bouquet of flowers than to wait on your ex to send it. Pink Kisses is offering “all sorts of fabulous pick-me-ups,” in the site's own words. In subscription packages, which cost from 14 to 272 dollars, Pink Kisses offers almost every form of treatment for "heartbreak".
The least expensive is "The Rebound" - during one month you'll receive an e-mail with tips on how to move on after a breakup, you’ll get phrases and quotations from classical texts, a computer application called "Kiss Him Goodbye", which allows you to upload images of your ex to the Internet and see them burn, and finally, poster with motivational message.
The best treatment is "The Diva", which includes all of the above plus two life coaching sessions, shipment of flowers to your home address and a box of "Better than sex" truffles. But that's not all - girls can also choose a treatment "Diva for a day" which consists of professional photo session that is done in the house of the client by Pink Kisses team. The goal of this photo session is to create a new look that would symbolically and practically mark a new beginning.
Moving on
Unfortunately, services that are paid are currently available only in the U.S. But Pink Kisses also sends virtual gifts, and on their blog you can find advices and classical texts with love themes. All of this is designed to help women after breakup.
“We want to change women’s lives by helping them recognize their own strength and accept their independence as part of a big, awesome adventure”.
Pink Kisses is presented as a kind of virtual resource center for emotional rehabilitation in which, with a lot of laughter and irony, advices and solutions are offered that can help women to turn a new page. The essence of it is probably best described in their slogan: “…because moving on is the best revenge”.
Monday, April 11, 2011 by Saill · 0
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